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Mama Heart Virtual Circle

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Hey there mama!

We know motherhood can feel lonely sometimes. And we deeply desire to bring mamas together in community and help see you through these transitional times of life together for you, baby + your family.

We would LOVE to invite you to join one (or more) of our Virtual Mama Heart Circles this month of June.


Whether you are in pre-conception, are currently pregnant, or in postpartum, we have a mama circle for you to let you feel heard, seen, and loved on, wherever you are in your motherhood journey! 

During our mama heart circles you will:

Have a chance to do a “mama heart meditation” to drop into your body and your heart intentions, and take a moment of your day to pause & simply breathe! 

Listen to an expert speaker on the theme/topic of the circle to feel inspired & guided with your current needs or motherhood challenges! 

Journal, share, and connect with fellow mamas in a safe space with zero judgement. Only listening with acceptance and sharing at your own pace where all emotions and experiences are welcome. 

Join a Mama Heart Virtual Circle below! 

Choose the weeks and topics that resonate and feel aligned with your needs, desires, and current experiences in motherhood. 

Investment: $33 CAD per mama heart circle

Week 1

Creating Space For Your Baby

Nursery Room

Thursday, June 8 at 8 - 9 pm ET

With Facilitators:
Amanda Evans & Kayli Chapman

Week 2

Embracing the Transitions & Changes Through Pregnancy


Thursday, June 15 at 8 - 9 pm ET

With Guest Speaker: 

Julie Jacinto

Week 3

Supporting You and Baby Postpartum (Sleeping & Soothing Yourself through the new mom moments)


Thursday, June 22 at 8 - 9:30 pm ET

With Guest Speakers:
Victoria Ryan & Victoria Carranza

Week 4

Healing Your Birth Stories


Thursday, June 29 at 8 - 9:30 pm ET

With Guest Speakers:
Baleigh Fox & Kayli Chapman 

Mama Heart Circle Hosts & Facilitators:

Meet Amanda Evans


Amanda Evans is a Family Play-Based Healer,

Spirit Baby Medium, Best-selling Author and Master Life Coach (meets Mary Poppins!). 

Amanda coaches parents who desire to conceive and parent consciously & playfully in order to create a more loving connection to themselves & their child. She coaches conscious parents who are triggered by their child's tantrums, big emotions, and disempowering labels to parent them with greater ease, connection, presence and PLAY! ​Amanda bridges the gap between parent and child to help families connect, compassionately communicate and live the aligned family life they desire. 


Amanda is a dog mama and a lover of little humans and the little moments (that really are the BIG ones!)

Meet Kayli Chapman

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Kayli is a Spirit-Led Life Coach, wife, mama to two young girls, and dog-mama too.

She’s been leading and participating in women’s circles & health classes for the past decade.

Her passion is CONNECTION - whether on an individual heart level to God, or in a group

of women for the sake of fun, playfulness & expression. Her background includes being a pole fitness instructor, yoga teacher, and health coach.

Kayli loves a good kitchen dance party, nature walks & spending time with her family.

Mama Heart Circle Guest Experts & Speakers:

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Meet Julie Jacinto
Soul Parent Spiritual Child Educator

Julie Jacinto is a mother of three beautifully spirited children. Through her journey in motherhood, she has connected more deeply to herself and her children. Julie has chosen a more unconventional lifestyle that aligns with her values and honours what her children desire. She unschools her children in partnership with her husband as they see how essential play and emotional support is in the earliest years of a child's life.

Julie is a Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™ Educator. Her programs support women in their journey to reconnect with their true selves and to the spirit of their child, in pre-conception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood. She is passionate about the pregnancy/birth journey and she loves sharing how it's possible to create a family dynamic that's built on trust, communication, honesty, healthy boundaries and unconditional love, by understanding the generational patterns, external conditioning and past experiences that can impact these close relationships. She is a strong advocate for informed consent around options that are not always shared with women as they navigate pregnancy and birth and enjoys sharing knowledge on how to design a pregnancy and birth experience that is supportive and unique to women and the spirit of their child. 

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Meet Victoria Ryan
Infant Sleep Coach & Author

Victoria spent the first 10+years of her career climbing the corporate ladder in marketing & PR. When she had her first baby in 2019, a whole new world began for her as she was jolted into the role of a sleep deprived mom and understood first-hand how much quality sleep (or lack thereof) can affect your mental and physical wellbeing.


She's now a certified infant sleep coach guiding new moms on how to teach their baby to sleep through the night and ace nap time. Victoria is a mom of two, a published author, and a passionate advocate for postpartum support.


Instagram: @vivivictorious

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Meet Victoria Carranza

Victoria has been working with youth and families all her adult life. Her professional background is in Environmental & Community Planning. This has transcended to her work supporting the mothers. She sees them as bioindicators of the health of our communities and environment. Some of her past works involved: park ranging and interpretive education leading front country backpacking experiences and hikes for probation department programs, garden education, managing school gardens and nurseries leading classes from Kindergarten to High School as well as leading teacher trainings in the outdoor classrooms, permaculture design and community garden construction with neighborhoods and governmental agencies.

A “lactivist”, she coaches and empowers families in their lactation journeys. A mother of two with one breastfeeding toddler of her own. She has trained as a birth doula with experience in hospitals and homebirths. Postpartum care is where she focuses on with mother centered care in home.


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Meet Baleigh Fox

Hi! 👋🏼 My name is Baleigh Fox.


I am a God fearing, married for a decade, infertility, emergency C-section, stressed but blessed mama of two beautiful energetic girls.


Through trying to conceive to now early school age, I have experienced the lowest lows and the highest highs. I have learned to be an open book because we often have more in common with each other than we think.

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